Back home!


Yeah, it‘ s true, I‘ m back home in Friedrichskoog. Can‘ t really believe it so far. It was hard to find wi-fi during the last week when I cycled from the airport in Düsseldorf to Friedrichskoog. During the next days/ weeks I‘ ll try to write a bit about my last cycling days – and about what it‘ s like to be back home, wake up in the same place for a while, not having to worry about water or food (though I was never really worried, but I think you know what I mean), not living out of a bag anymore …p1000285.JPG

One Response to “Back home!”

  1. MiKE sagt:

    I just read on your blog that you’re finally back home now .. I hope this big trip give you many things, remembers, new friends.. and that you have really enjoyed it ! Don’t hesitate to go back to Tequila if you want ;o

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