A rainy day…


Tag 5: Grand View RV Park – … Wilderness Campground

109,9 km, 7:18h, Ø 15 km/h

rain all day, 9°C

When I packed my things together it already started to rain – and it didn’t stop the whole day. I had Bacon and Eggs with Harshbrowns and Toast for breakfast. It was great but I just couldn’t eat it all.I had a late start, 11:15am. When I arrived at the Eureka Roadhouse around 2pm I was totally wet. My feet were just freezing in those wet shoes. I drank a coffee (25 ct, but it didn’t taste good) and ate the soup of the day (beef) to get warm again. I thought about taking a room there but it would have been 115 $ and I would have had to wait for about 2 hours ‚til I could check in. So I decided to move on, another 60 km to the Campground. I arrived there around 8pm and got a tentsite right at the river – the mosquitoes were already waiting for me. The whole day I didn’t see anything except for dark clouds and rain.


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