Mexico City – I made it!!!


Toluca – Santa Fe

50,6 km, 3:38 h, Ø 13,8 km/h, 631 hm

Again I had a late start. Breakfast at Mc Donald‘ s, checking e-mails in an internet-café, packing… and it was already 11:15am when I left. Following the signs to Mexico it wasn‘ t hard to get out of Toluca (I only got lost once!!!). The first 20 km were easy rolling, then a long climb started. I had to cross a 3200m high pass. Slowly I was going uphill, the steepness varied from 1 % to 10 %. I wasn‘ t sure if I was on the Cuota or Libre, heard before that the police would stop every cyclist on the Cuota. Didn‘ t happen, several police cars passed me, some even waved to me.

Somehow I managed to get up there and was rewarded with a fast downhill-ride. When I tried to get on the cuota to Santa Fe they didn‘ t let me on but that didn‘ t matter too much because it was all downhill. I asked some people for the “Centro Commercial Santa Fe” which was the meeting point for me and Luca. There 2 guys started to talk to me about my bike and they let me use their mobile phone to call Luca and Ara. I met them a few month ago on a rest-area in the Yukon and they invited me to visit them if I‘ d ever make it to Mexico-City. They picked me up a while later, so I didn‘ t have to cycle in the City.

Well, and here I am. I can‘ t believe it, another leg of my journey is over, Guadalajara – Mexico City! Me, who never had any interest in visiting big cities spent a fair amount of time there during the last weeks – and enjoyed it! And now I‘ m in the (maybe even) largest city of the world! Staying with Luca and Ara, my very welcoming hosts – thank you!!!


One Response to “Mexico City – I made it!!!”

  1. claudia sagt:

    du da in der largest city of the world. Die Flaechenmaessig zweitgroesste City ist Auckland! Da bin ich dann lieber mal schnell durchgefahren. was heisst schnell in der rush hour. aber das laendliche gefaellt mir halt besser und hier gibt es so viele schoene Plaetze zu entdecken….
    Mittwoch noch an der Tasman Sea geritten (Omapere beach), Donnerstag in Whagerei Heads auf Bootstour (fishing/diving), jetzt im landesinneren close to hamilton
    lg clau

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